Tuesday 29 March 2011

FORMAT International Photography Festival, Derby. Below are some snapshots from my phone and some brief notes on my day at the festival. It is a festival made up of little exhibitions dotted around the city and rather hard to find without a map. There were talks and portfolio reviews but as it is coming towards the end of the festival, I have missed them. It is thanks to a bulletin email from Foto8 magazine that I found out about the festival just in time to visit. My starting point was at the QUAD centre, one of the bigger venues. Here I was able to pick up a better map and all the information about each exhibition location.
the QUAD and an outdoor exhibition in the market place.

Behbak Hashemi - Nezhad, Orderly Conduct (@Déda)

Mehraneh Atashi, Tehran's Self Portraits (@ Derby Museum and Art Gallery)

Anthony Carr, A month of nights, Derby (@Pickford's House)

Anthony Carr, A month of nights, Derby (@Pickford's House)

Anthony Carr, A month of nights, Derby (@Pickford's House)
Caption underneath reads "this camera is currently photographing the gallery space"

So there is just a quick update on the mini adventure I had today. I'm not going to make excuses about why I haven't posted since January. I simply haven't. The space camera-less project didn't go so well however I will still put the work up soon. I have now started two more projects as part of my degree and also have some images from a trip to my hometown Lyon, France and hopefully some snaps from a recent study trip to London.