Friday 22 October 2010

departement 56.

some 'snap shots' of my family holiday in the morbihan (north west france) i picked out some of the more artsy ones. i took four cameras with me. my holga that i got a the start of the summer vacation, my 4 lens lomography camera, the panorama camera featured in a older post and my old little digital camera that pretty much never got used! i took so much film that it took me days to develop and scan them when i came back to uni.

now i have updated you with my best summer 'snap shots' and my summer project, i can continue with posting my work as i do it...

Thursday 21 October 2010

BACK FROM SUMMER VACATION. the work flow can continue.

the reason there was no work put up on here over the vacation was because i shoot mostly on film and while away from university i am unable to scan/print the negatives.

however i was still working. i had to write my own briefs and complete one of them. the one i chose to complete was one on the subject of identity. (i briefly mentioned in an earlier post) so here bellow are the final images i selected to use for my presentation of my summer project in the first week back after vacation.