Tuesday 25 January 2011

more photograms. these are experiments for my current project on creating patterns in space. I am still trying to work out which materials create the most interesting patterns.
My tutor suggested that i find a glass paper weight and see what light it lets through. i doesn't let much through, although, it does diffract light creating a less controlled effect.

Another jelly mold. this time i made a very neat swirl pattern with food colouring in jelly and in the dark room is spun it on the photographic paper. this is one of the slower spun ones.

As well as trying different materials i am also trying different papers. this photogram is done on positive photographic paper. the texture underneath is textured paper.

Sunday 16 January 2011

the photography gallery. for our second exhibition we asked for collections of work. as it is only our second exhitition we are still learning how to promote the gallery. our plan was that all of the members on the gallery curator team should bring some work to display incase we didn't get enough from other students. people were very last minute in bringing there work and becasue of this a few of us on the team got to put our work up. so here are some little mobile phone shots of my work up on the wall.

if anyone is reading this blog and is in or visiting falmouth. pop into the photography gallery.
it's one the second floor of the photography centre at tremough campus.

Saturday 15 January 2011

space. first experemental prints for my current project looking at patterns in space and nature. these are photograms of jelly molds in petri dishes with food colouring and oil added in different mixtures to make different affects.
jelly mold with food colouring. this one was put in the freezer,
therefor creating little islands of ice on top on the jelly creating a texture.
oil, just oil. as it was filling the petri dish i caught it before it filled the base.
i tryed holding the dish higher. it looks i'm holding a marble!

this is food colouring in oil.
the colour was green and didn't let much light though so the contrast isn't great.

*for this first time i have tryed to put my name print on my images so that no one can steel them. i don't like doing it becasue it gets in the way of the image but if it saves them then i'll do it.

Friday 14 January 2011

"it's best to assume that some will see the creative sector as a luxury rather than a necessity right now, so you may have to soldier on and work hard to prove your worth to employers.

the art of getting noticed.
Unpaid work experience really help, wether it be a year- long placement or a few days work-shadowing"

from Target jobs get. Directory

Thursday 13 January 2011

been a long time. This is the work I was due to put up a couple of months ago, sorry readers. These are my final pieces from my nature project. They were produced using a mixture of double exposures and burying negatives. (sorry for the space between them, they were printed with white borders.)