Saturday 6 November 2010

nature. for my most recent project i looked at photographing landscapes,turned into photographing my garden! i wanted to create images that the viewer really had to look into, see under the layers, colours, textures etc. these are some of my development shots. i will post my final six perhaps tomorrow.
the sky.
shot on holga with fuji 120 colour film
was shot to be used as a base for a mixed media composition.
left negative.
shot same as image above.
i left a selection of negatives out in my garden for a week letting nature affect them. the biggest affect was the rain as it changed the colour of most of the negatives and left water marks on some. my photographs of nature were added to by nature it self.

double exposure.
shot same as images above.
shooting a second image on top of one just taken without winding the film on. i was also using my macro lens in front of the holga lens. i found it hard to focus the closer image as on the holga what i see though the viewfinder is not the same as what the lens sees.

there is a lot of work from this project that i want to put up here. (yes i know i should have done it as i went along but never had the time to sit and upload it all). while uploading these images i have realised that about half of this nature project is mixed media and hand printed so a lot of my experimentation is in my sketchbook that i have just handed in for the deadline. i will scan it in and add it to the blog when i hopefully get it back next week.

Friday 22 October 2010

departement 56.

some 'snap shots' of my family holiday in the morbihan (north west france) i picked out some of the more artsy ones. i took four cameras with me. my holga that i got a the start of the summer vacation, my 4 lens lomography camera, the panorama camera featured in a older post and my old little digital camera that pretty much never got used! i took so much film that it took me days to develop and scan them when i came back to uni.

now i have updated you with my best summer 'snap shots' and my summer project, i can continue with posting my work as i do it...

Thursday 21 October 2010

BACK FROM SUMMER VACATION. the work flow can continue.

the reason there was no work put up on here over the vacation was because i shoot mostly on film and while away from university i am unable to scan/print the negatives.

however i was still working. i had to write my own briefs and complete one of them. the one i chose to complete was one on the subject of identity. (i briefly mentioned in an earlier post) so here bellow are the final images i selected to use for my presentation of my summer project in the first week back after vacation.

Thursday 24 June 2010

i have had it in a box for years and always known it was there but never used it.
i got it when i was little. not sure what age. defo pe-teens.
so i loaded it with cheap colour film (kodacolor 400)
and i have been carrying it around everywhere for the last week or so.
i have tons of goodens but here are some of my favorite.

me with my head under a oldschool large format monorail camera.
don't i look like a real photographer or what?

this is what i love about basic cameras.
the automatic flash. the auto focus. the colour.
(i need longer arms to focus my face!)

Claire n. and i walked over to flushing beach.
is it artwork? or the remains of a house!


Thursday 17 June 2010

francesca g.
prep' shoot for a new project titled identity.
shot on a hasselblad with ilford b&w

Tuesday 8 June 2010

i went to a liquid light workshop last week.
we were told to bring surfaces to print on and negatives. that's all.
i knew nothing about liquid light before this class,
apart from that it is an alternative way of printing.
i have put up on here some of the prints on different papers.
my rug.
120mm shot on a holga
printed on white fabriano paper
the holocaust memorial, berlin.
35mm shot on a pentax
printed on white fabriano paper
porthcurno beach.
120mm shot on a bronica
printed on beige fabriano paper statue nr potsdamer platz, berlin.
35mm shot on a pentax
printed on brown parcel paper.

20 jahre mauerfall nov.2009, brandenburger tor, berlin.
35mm shot on a pentax
printed on thick calico.

PS.By the way.

liquid light is a liquid solution that you heat up and paint onto a surface then dry and print onto as you would normally print. it is used for getting a more hand made look and you are able to print on more that just flat photo paper.

cos i realised i didn't actually tell you what it was.

Monday 7 June 2010

can i have this? it's in the best colour.
top photo taken on a hasselblad
bottom image from the observer mag 23.05.10

Wednesday 2 June 2010

i have borrowed a holga from a friend.
using a 120 b&w ilford fp4 125.
will try with colour film and flash soon..

Tuesday 1 June 2010

trerice house, national trust house
i am part of a group doing a schools project at a NT house
nr newquay on the north coast.
this is me wearing a medieval helmit,
the photos not the bes quality because the room was dark
even though there is a huge window behind me!
photo taken by sarah c.

Friday 28 May 2010

lena's birthday beach bbq.
recorded with the panoramic camera
ilford b&w hp5 400+ film.
ps. sorry that i haven't blogged this week, it's been final assesments.
i'll catch up with all the stuff i've been shooting.

Saturday 22 May 2010

i'm not sure why i took these
and the colours are because i scanned them quickly.
(the area is the empty space infront of penryn station)
ps. spent the afternoon at the beach today
using the panorama camera featured in a blog bellow.
will develope and scan in a couple of days.
if it worked.

Friday 21 May 2010

some wise and clever words from
graham the technician during our 5x4 induction:
"think about what its worth, then add a naught on it,
that's photography"
"you need to learn the classical before you learn the modern.
you need to know how to construct before you deconstruct."

Thursday 20 May 2010

not sure what happend with the colour correction here
as the negs jus would not scan the same!
i'm not a fan of fake colour but i'll put them up anway.
the down side to using colour film is that i have to
spend hours scanning the good and the bad.