Saturday 6 November 2010

nature. for my most recent project i looked at photographing landscapes,turned into photographing my garden! i wanted to create images that the viewer really had to look into, see under the layers, colours, textures etc. these are some of my development shots. i will post my final six perhaps tomorrow.
the sky.
shot on holga with fuji 120 colour film
was shot to be used as a base for a mixed media composition.
left negative.
shot same as image above.
i left a selection of negatives out in my garden for a week letting nature affect them. the biggest affect was the rain as it changed the colour of most of the negatives and left water marks on some. my photographs of nature were added to by nature it self.

double exposure.
shot same as images above.
shooting a second image on top of one just taken without winding the film on. i was also using my macro lens in front of the holga lens. i found it hard to focus the closer image as on the holga what i see though the viewfinder is not the same as what the lens sees.

there is a lot of work from this project that i want to put up here. (yes i know i should have done it as i went along but never had the time to sit and upload it all). while uploading these images i have realised that about half of this nature project is mixed media and hand printed so a lot of my experimentation is in my sketchbook that i have just handed in for the deadline. i will scan it in and add it to the blog when i hopefully get it back next week.